W'UP★5月15日~5月25日 The Collection ~Artist of Venezia Biennale~ Contemporary Tokyo(品川区東品川)

The Collection ~Artist of Venezia Biennale~


作 家 彦坂尚嘉、堀浩哉、宮島達男、森村泰昌

The Collection ~Artist of Venezia Biennale~
会 期 2024年5月15日(水)〜5月25日(土)※日月休廊
時 間 12:00~18:00
休廊日 日、月
会 場 Contemporary Tokyo(東京都品川区東品川1-32-8 Terrada Art Complex Ⅱ 2F)
URL https://www.contemporarytokyo.com/
アーティストインスタ https://www.instagram.com/ayairoart/

会 場 中国北京市順義区金航東路3号院D7楼3F(北京天竺保税区)
Excited to announce my solo exhibition starting from April 4th at @contemporarytokyo After a week-long exhibition in Tokyo, the show will continue on to Beijing. For inquiry and purchase, please contact the gallery directly. Solo Exhitbion "!"

TOKYO April 4 - 13
12:00-18:00 Closed on Sun, Mon
1Chome-32-8, Higashishinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan

BEIJING May 11 - Jun 29 11:00-18:00
3F, Building D7, Yard No.3, East Jinhang Road, Shunyi District, Beijing

Rainbows, Milky Way, fog, Angel’s Ladder, upside-down views reflected in water droplets... Back in childhood, I remember being always fascinated by these wondrous natural phenomena. But usually they would last only for a moment, or are too small to notice, making it easy for busy adults who are caught up in daily errands to overlook them. This series was created by recalling my childhood experiences, and depicts many emotions of surprise and excitement when encountering beautiful phenomena, symbolized as “ ! “ in the title. I’d be happy if I could share a lot of “ ! ” with the viewer through the show!


