W'UP! ★7月20日~8月9日 二人展『トン●ジン●カン●地平』 Sansiao Gallery(中央区銀座)
会 場 Sansiao Gallery(東京都中央区日本橋3-2-9 三晶ビルB1F)
開催日 2024年7月20日(土)~8月9日(金)
開廊時間 12:00 ~19:00
休廊日 日、月、祝日
入場料 無料
ホームページ http://sansiao-gallery.com/
オープニングレセプション 7月20日 17:00~19:00
この度、Sansiao Galleryでは、ippaida storageと中尾一平による二人展『トン●ジン●カン●地平』を開催いたします。
ippaida storageの故郷である宮崎で撮影された映像は、風景と個人の記憶が交錯する様子を捉えています。
ippaida storageの故郷である宮崎で撮影された映像は、風景と連動した記憶に呼応しながら追いかけ、追い越し、置いていかれるという時間軸の変容と、擬似記憶の流入が、私とippaidaの存在のリアリティの希薄さをかき混ぜる行為となりました。ippaidaの記憶を頼りに私の身体が記録を重ね、私の身体にippaidaのテクスチャが重なっていきます。
Sansiao Gallery is pleased to present the duo exhibition "Ton●Jin●Kan●Chihei" featuring works by ippaida storage and Ippei Nakao.
This exhibition showcases installations and performances by two artists with distinct approaches.
The concept of this exhibition revolves around exploring the relationship between urban landscapes, personal memories, and the body.
In today's urban landscapes, shaped by economic instability, demographic changes, new technologies, and gentrification, there exists a sense of "Tonchinkan" and the Buddhist concepts of "greed, anger, and ignorance" (貪・瞋・痴). The artists delve into these feelings of disorientation and chaos.
The video works shot in Miyazaki, ippaida storage's hometown, capture the intersection of landscapes and personal memories.
The fragments of memory and physical sensations intermingle, transforming the perception of time and challenging the reality of the artists' existence.
Using skin and body, the exhibition seeks to uncover new meanings in urban landscapes and explore relationships that transcend time, place, body, and technology.
Reexamining landscape theory, the exhibition addresses the experiences and sensations brought about by changes in urban environments.
Through the unique perspectives of the artists, it aims to reinterpret the chaos and disorientation that modern urban landscapes evoke.
Artists' Statement
What does the urban landscape mean today, when even the memory of a place and the itch of one's skin are laid bare before us? What are the things that change, those we nostalgically remember, those that bring comfort, and those that cause resentment? What becomes maddening and frustrating?
In 1975, an avant-garde documentary film titled "Abbreviated Serial Killer" was released. This film depicts the childhood of Norio Nagayama, who committed a series of shootings from 1968 to 1969, by following the "landscapes he might have seen" through subjective shots. The "landscape theory" proposed in this film, spearheaded by activist and film critic Masao Matsuda, can be summarized as viewing the homogenized landscapes of rapid national development under high economic growth as "landscapes = invisible power." However, since the film developed a narrative closely aligned with Nagayama's personal experiences, parts of this theory evolved into a male-centric mythology in later works, such as Nagisa Oshima's "Tokyo War, Post-War Secret Stories."
Applying these theories in 2024 may not be feasible. Today, beneath Japan's homogenized surface, things have been slowly mutating, revealing their distinctiveness through economic instability, demographic changes, unfamiliar technological entities, and algorithms. It seems that urban landscapes are distorting under new influences. Amidst this turbulence, the mundane begins to show signs of erosion and is transforming into a new form of chaos. This perversion is hidden underground, like sewage, and its exclusion is inextricably linked to acts of violence.
The videos shot in Miyazaki, the hometown of ippaida storage, capture the interplay between landscapes and personal memories. The transformation of the timeline, chasing, overtaking, and being left behind, as well as the influx of pseudo-memories, create a muddling effect on the reality of both myself and ippaida. The layers of memory and texture from ippaida become intertwined with my own body.
In this exhibition, we use skin and body to reveal traces of erosion and explore new relationships that transcend time, place, body, and technology, seeking a non-binary understanding of the chaotic and disorienting "Tonchinkan" state.
Exhibition Dates: Saturday, July 20, 2024 – Friday, August 9, 2024
Venue: Sansiao Gallery
Address: Sansiao Gallery, 3-2-9 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027, Sanshio Building B1F
住所 | 東京都中央区日本橋3-2-9 三晶ビルB1F |
TEL | 03-3275-1008 |
WEB | http://sansiao-gallery.com/ |
営業時間*1 | 12:00 ~19:00 |
休み*2 | 日、月、祝日 |
ジャンル*3 | 現代美術、イベントなど |
アクセス*4 | 地下鉄日本橋駅B3出口より徒歩1分 |
取扱作家 | http://sansiao-gallery.com/en/artists_inventory/ |
*1 展覧会・イベント最終日は早く終了する場合あり *2 このほかに年末年始・臨時休業あり *3 現代美術は、彫刻、インスタレーション、ミクストメディア作品、オブジェなども含まれます *4 表示時間はあくまでも目安です 【注】ギャラリーは入場無料ですが、イベントにより料金がかかる場合があります |
Sansiao Gallery(中央区日本橋)